Wiederaufgegriffene Schneeliebe


This swirling galaxy of feathers
Falling from the dark grey sky
Is not really falling:
We are rising.

We delight in the wonder of physics –
This geometric joy warming us
Even as our fingers freeze –
In the same way we look to the stars,
Knowing, understanding to our every atom
That this – all these perfect patterns –
Is what makes us possible:
We delight because in the snow and stars
We see what we are made of
And know that it is good to be alive.

mr oCean, 16.12.2011

Sometimes I think it’s nice to step beyond the metaphor and delight in the sheer joy and wonder of reality – of the exquisite physics that made it all possible. It’s snowing. I love snow. If I were to spend a whole day watching snow fall, I could only conclude that it was a day very well spent indeed.